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About Pinatas Plus!

I have been making pinatas for years and love spending time crafting them. Every cardboard box I see, I envision it's potential as an awesome custom handmade pinata. There is no better party centerpiece than a custom handmade pinata!


PiñatasPlus is where your piñata dreams become a reality! I make custom piñatas for all occasions. Have an upcoming birthday, wedding, gender reveal party, shower, school event, graduation, work event or something else? A piñata would add the perfect touch and I can make piñatas to match most party themes.


Just place your order for a custom piñata and we will work together to make the perfect centerpiece for your party! All of our piñatas are made from recycled cardboard, crepe paper, glue and recycled materials. All piñatas are made to order unless standing inventory is listed. Please allow at least 3-4 weeks for creation/shipping or at least 2-3 weeks for local pick ups. If you need one sooner, use the contact form and we can work together to make it happen!

Check out PiñatasPlus onFacebook for exclusive offers! Pinatas Plus can work with any budget, just contact us.


If you have already purchased and used a Pinatas Plus pinata, please consider taking our brief CUSTOMER FEEDBACK SURVEY. Thank you!!

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